Friday, April 18, 2008

Earthquake songs that rock!

A rare earthquake hit my neck of the woods this morning at around 5:30. It was a 5.2 magnitude, followed by a 4.5 aftershock at around 11:15am. Exciting stuff for us midwesterners.

Here's a list of earthquake rock songs that I intend to play today:

"You Shook Me All Night Long" - AC/DC
"You Shook Me" - Led Zeppelin
"Shake Me" - Cinderella
"Shake it Up" - The Cars
"Shake My Tree" - Coverdale/Page
"Shakedown" - Bob Seger
"Shakedown Street" - Grateful Dead
"Shakin'" - Eddie Money
"Shakin' the Blues" Screamin' Cheetah Wheelies
"Crumblin' Down" John Mellencamp
"Boom Boom Out Go the Lights" Pat Travers

I'm nixing anything with "rock" in the title. That's too easy!

I hope I get some more good suggestions.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Radio Heard Here

The radio biz has a new marketing campaign called "Radio Heard Here." Here's a print ad from the campaign.

I'm not sure what that's supposed to be telling people about radio. I think that's actually a picture of every night jock's fantasy.

I found that pic on the campaign's website. There are a few other pics and a couple of "viral" videos. I don't think you can simply create a video and call it viral. To be viral it actually has to be spread around by some people.

So, here, let me do some spreading! Honestly, the video is pretty good. But, why the hell is it in Quicktime format?! Flash, people. Do these in flash. Make them embeddable. That's how a video becomes viral.

I hope the campaign does some good, but I'm not so sure.

This blogging thing is hard!

I gotta hand it to the bloggers who do this day in and day out, several times a day. I haven't posted in three months. Three months! I just approved a comment on my People's Choice Awards post from three months ago. Thanks whoever you are. Or is it whomever?

I actually thought I'd be blogging every day about something. blogged about not blogging.