Wednesday, December 13, 2006

What, if Anything, are People Buying on iTunes?

Just for the lack of anything better to do, I looked at a few artists' most popular songs on iTunes. I'd reprint what I found, but I don't want to run afowl of any of Apple's copyrights. To sum it up, though, I found that the most popular songs are the ones that radio plays in regular rotation. That kind of surprised me. I thought that the commonly held belief regarding iPodders was that they had iPods because they didn't like what they heard on the radio. I thought wrong, evidently.

So, how does radio deal with the "threat" of iPods, then? Emmis Communications has partnered with Apple and features iTunes Music Store storefronts on most of their stations' websites. Hear the song on the radio and buy it on iTunes.

I think there's a deeper meaning here. I'm just not sure what it is, quite frankly. It's just something I've been thinking about.

Then again, recent research is showing that iTMS sales are way down. That's not to say that iPod use is down. It just appears that the hipsters who jumped on the fashionable iPod bandwagon a while back are finally realizing that DRM sucks. I imagine they're ripping CDs and using MP3s instead of Apple's restricted format.

Monday, December 11, 2006

WKRP is Coming on DVD?!?

Some site I'd never heard of broke the news that WKRP is being readied for a DVD release! Although, according to the article it's still not going to have the original music. The stuff that Fox can't get licensed will be replaced with similar songs.

I don't know. If all of the original music was intact, I'd buy those DVDs with no questions asked. But, I think I'm going to hold off on any pre-ordering until I find out what the extras are. Still, all in all, it's good news.

...And We're Back...

Huh? Sorry. Must've fallen asleep.

So, FMQB has news that Clear Channel is adding lifestyle audio content to their websites. Now, where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah. I had that idea. Maybe somebody who can pay me, like my employer, will think it's a good idea now.